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Discover Providers


Before we can start interacting with a provider, we first need to find out what providers are available and what AVM networks & methods these providers support.

Discovering all providers

The first thing we want to do, after initialization, is start listening to discover messages. The callback passed will be called everytime a discover message is responded to by a provider. However, before we receive any discover messages we need then broadcast to any providers a request.

// initialized client
client.onDiscover(({ error, result }) => {
if (error) {
console.error('error:', error);


host: '',
name: 'Awesome Wallet',
networks: [
genesisHash: 'SGO1GKSzyE7IEPItTxCByw9x8FmnrCDexi9/cOUJOiI=',
genesisId: 'testnet-v1.0',
methods: [
genesisHash: 'IXnoWtviVVJW5LGivNFc0Dq14V3kqaXuK2u5OQrdVZo=',
genesisId: 'voitest-v1',
methods: [
providerId: '02657eaf-be17-4efc-b0a4-19d654b2448e',

// send a discover request;

Discovering a specific provider

If you know the ID of the provider, you can request only a response from that provider.

As before, let's first add a listener and then broadcast, but this time we will specify the provider ID:

const providerId = '02657eaf-be17-4efc-b0a4-19d654b2448e';

// initialized client
client.onDiscover(({ error, result }) => {
if (error) {
console.error('error:', error);


host: '',
name: 'Awesome Wallet',
networks: [
genesisHash: 'SGO1GKSzyE7IEPItTxCByw9x8FmnrCDexi9/cOUJOiI=',
genesisId: 'testnet-v1.0',
methods: [
genesisHash: 'IXnoWtviVVJW5LGivNFc0Dq14V3kqaXuK2u5OQrdVZo=',
genesisId: 'voitest-v1',
methods: [
providerId: '02657eaf-be17-4efc-b0a4-19d654b2448e',

// send a discover request{ providerId });